30 Day Challenge + Last Call for Race Entry Giveaway

One thing that I’ve never been great at is consistently incorporating strength training in my workout routine. I go in spurts where I do it a couple of days a week for a while and then it always seems to fall off.

I wanted to do something that would give me a kick in the butt to do more strength training while I’m building up my base again after the marathon and before New Orleans Half training really picks up. So, I decided to do a 30 day challenge of planks, push-ups, and squats! I was thinking about this on Nov. 1, and since there are 30 days in November, I decided there’s no time like the present.

I did a 30 day challenge a couple of years ago, so I pulled out the schedule I used for that.


I’m keeping myself motivated by putting the printed schedule on my coffee table so I see it each day and can cross it off when I’ve done the exercises. I have no excuses – these are things I can easily do in my living room while watching TV or right after a run.

My hope is that getting into a routine in November will carry over to at least doing some strength training a couple of days per week throughout half marathon training.

And don’t forget about the Girls on the Run Twin Cities 5K Giveaway! This is your last call to enter!

Have you ever done a 30 day challenge?

Much needed vacation

I got to spend the last week on a much needed vacation. Nothing better than kicking off the summer season with some family time at the beach. This vacation included a lot of the typical lounging in the sun, eating great food, and relaxation. It also included some good beach workouts.

The day I flew in was rainy, but there were palm trees so I knew I was officially on vacation!


We did a little shopping to pass the time. I found a purple panda in a store! Actually, I saw three purple pandas that day – all different, all in different stores. (P.S. this is significant because my favorite color is purple and my favorite animal is a panda :P)


By the end of the day, the weather was starting to turn around.


The next few days were beautiful and allowed us to get out for some long walks on the beach in the mornings and then lay in the sun in the afternoon. The dog loved going for some walks with us, too!



I did manage to get in a 5 mile beach run one day.


A couple days later, some rain moved in so I had to hit the treadmill for a 2.5 mile run, but at least I had a nice view.


Our last day of vacation was gorgeous. It was almost a crime to come up from the beach so we could catch our flight. After a busy several weeks, the relaxation was so nice. Can’t wait to go back!


How are you gearing up for summer?

Week 3 of 30 Day Challenges & Holiday Treats

Week 3 is complete! I made it through another week and got all of my challenges in each day. I have to admit that the planks have gotten a lot harder. I do okay getting up to 1:30 – 2 minutes, but now that I’m up to 2:30 and 3 minute planks, I’m having trouble holding it the whole time. I was supposed to hold a plank for 3 minutes today and just couldn’t do it. Crapped out around 2:30. But, that’s okay. The important thing is I’m doing it every day, holding it a long as I can, and getting stronger in the process (just maybe not as fast as the plan calls for).

The temps were in the 20’s on Saturday and I geared up for my first outdoor run since Thanksgiving. But, when I got to the bike/walk path, I saw that it had a lot of packed snow on it. A braver runner might have attempted it, but I opted to go back inside and hit the treadmill. Might need to invest in Yaktrax or something so I can get outside and feel confident in my footing. I got in 3.5 miles on the treadmill (10:30 pace) and felt great.

This morning I woke up and could feel a little soreness in my legs after my run and a total of 145 squats the day before. So, I just walked for 30 minutes and did my plank and 80 squats to complete my challenges for the day (it was a rest day for push ups).

The 30 day challenges have kept me active each day, which is good because this weekend has been full of holiday fun and treats. Including this guy at a fabulous Christmas party Saturday night…

Reindeer made of cupcakes!
Reindeer made of cupcakes!

And a Sunday afternoon of baking these…

Cookie baking party! (I made the gingerbread men :))
Cookie baking party! (I made the gingerbread men :))
Seriously, we made a lot of cookies!
Seriously, we made a lot of cookies!

What holiday treats did you eat/make this weekend? What do you wear for running in the snow?

Putting Running Back in the Rotation

I ran on Tuesday night for the first time in about 2 weeks. It felt great! I’ve enjoyed taking a break from running; I think it’s helped me appreciate it in a new way and allowed me to miss it. Tuesday’s run wasn’t for training–it was just for fun.

I met Hyedi at the Metrodome for Dome Running. The Minnesota Distance Running Association opens up the Metrodome on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for runners to get in some miles off the treadmill during cold Minnesota winters. It costs $1. Yes, $1. This was only the second time I’ve gone, and it will be the last time – well at least at the Metrodome as we know it. They’re tearing it down to build a new stadium for the MN Vikings. So, the end of December will mean the end of Dome Running, but Hyedi and I had to get in one more run.

2.5 laps around the stadium is about a mile. We ran for 30 minutes and did just over 8 laps – a bit short of a marathon. 😉

dome running sign

dome running miles

Apparently I can't walk and take pics at the same time
Apparently I can’t walk and take pics at the same time

I think I’m still going to keep varying my workouts, but I’m going to start working running back into my rotation. I’m already starting to think about spring races and training is going to need to begin in the new year. Until then, I’ll enjoy the variety and cross training. I swam last Sunday morning and it felt great to get back in the pool–and to wear flip flops in the middle of December in Minnesota. 🙂 Of course I followed my swim with a few minutes in the hot tub.

sunday swim

What are your favorite cross training workouts? Are you thinking about 2014 races?

Week 2 of 30 Day Challenges

So, this is a little late. But I wanted to give a quick update on my 30 day challenges. I’ve done my challenges every day! I still notice progress with each day, and I’m up to a 2 minute plank! While I have to admit it’s a bit shaky in the second half, I still held it!

2 min plank

These challenges are definitely helping me stay active this month and I can feel myself getting stronger which is the real reward.

How is your month of workouts going?

Week 1 of 30 Day Challenges & Weekend Fun

Happy to report that week 1 of my 30 day challenges is complete! I’m up to 45 seconds on the plank, 21 push ups, and 90 squats. I can already feel each of these getting easier as I do them everyday.

Week 1 = done!
Week 1 = done!

On Saturday morning, I met up with Hyedi to grab coffee and then we got to take a backstage tour of the Guthrie Theater. It was a really cool tour and really makes me want to go see a show there! They’re showing A Christmas Carol right now, so the set was up in one of their theaters which was really cool to see. We heard about the history of the theater and the decision to “put the theaters in the sky,” meaning they are on the 4th floor which allows for great views of the Mississippi river and downtown Minneapolis. We couldn’t take pictures on the tour, but here are a couple from outside the theater.

Guthrie1   Guthrie2

On Saturday night, I went with my sister and some friends to watch the Holidazzle parade. It was literally freezing (sub-zero temps), so we planned to head downtown early and commandeer a spot on the 2nd floor of Barnes & Noble where you can look out the window and see the parade while staying toasty warm. We scored a great spot and saw all the pretty lights!


From there we headed over to Hell’s Kitchen for dinner. The ham and pear crisp sandwich was pretty good. Could’ve even used more pear on it.

Hell's Kitchen   HK ham and pear

I got up Sunday morning and headed back to Revolution Cycle + Fitness for my second free class. I met Hyedi and Mandy there and we did the Absolutely Arms class. I can assure you it was a stellar arm workout because my muscles are still feeling the sore today.

It was supposed to lightly snow all day, so I ran by Target on my way home so that I wouldn’t have to leave the comfort of my couch for the rest of the day and that’s pretty much what I did. Nothing like a lazy Sunday afternoon while it’s snowing outside.

What fun things did you do last weekend? Anyone else successfully complete the first week of a 30 day challenge?

Trying Something New

Now that all of my races for 2013 are done, my workout regimen is changing a bit. I don’t have a training plan to follow that lays out what runs I should be doing each week. I still want to run at least a couple times a week, but I’m looking forward to trying out some new/different workouts this winter. I’ve got access to a workout room, so I know I’ll do more workouts on the elliptical, treadmill, and stationary bike to help change things up. And doing some strength training to keep building off of my 30 day challenges.

I also want to try out some classes like spin, yoga, Zumba, pilates, etc. Winter is a great time to try out something new and see if I find something I like and want to continue on a regular basis.

So, when Hyedi emailed me that the studio she goes to, Revolution Cycle + Fitness Studio, was holding a special where guests can try out 2 of their classes I was super excited to give it a shot! I agreed to trying out the 6 a.m. spin class last Tuesday. I’m not usually a morning workout person, so it was tough to get up and get going, but as soon as the class started I woke up quick!

The instructor, Dawn, had a lot of energy and kept things moving at a good pace. They focus on intervals, so you go hard for a bit then get some time to catch your breath before picking up the pace again.

Another cool thing about the class was the bikes. They have RealRyder Indoor Cycles. These bikes can actually lean from side to side and you can turn the handlebar like you’re steering an actual bike. You have to engage your arms and core in order to lean, so you get a full-body workout.

It was a great workout! Definitely needed to have a towel and water within reach. It actually gave me an excuse to use my new Nuun water bottle that I got at the Las Vegas Half expo.

nuun bottle

I’m excited to try out another new class at the studio soon and get in another great winter workout.

Any suggestions for workouts or classes I should try this winter? Do you have a class, gym, or fitness studio that you love? 

December 30 Day Challenges

I’ve definitely been indulging in all the holiday food the past few days. This time of year seems to revolve around food whether it’s a work potluck, Christmas party, or holiday feast. I know December is going to continue to be a battle. I want to maintain a healthy diet but also be able to enjoy all of the holiday treats.

I’ve done a good job with getting in some physical activity the past few days, but I decided I wanted to step it up a bit for December to help combat the holiday temptations. I’m still trying to let my body recover after the half marathon in Las Vegas, so I probably won’t be running as much as I have been the last few months, but I’m going to commit to continuing to do at least a 30 minute workout 5 days a week in December.

One of my goals for 2014 is to get stronger and be more consistent with doing strength workouts. I’ve been wanting to do a 30 day plank challenge for a while and figured December is as good a time as any. I think having a plank to do every day would help me stay active throughout the month.

As I was researching 30 day plank challenges, I started seeing 30 day challenges for abs, arms, and legs too. So, in an attempt to really put my money where my mouth is (or maybe, Christmas cookie where my mouth is) I figured I might as well add on 30 day squat and push up challenges to kick start my 2014 strength training and hopefully end 2013 feeling fit.

I found a website called 30 Day Fitness Challenges and liked their plank, push up, and squat challenges, so I made myself a calendar combining all of the challenges so I know exactly what I need to do each day in December. I like having a piece of paper where I can cross off days and track my progress.

30 day challenges
Plans from 30dayfitnesschallenges.com

The best part about these 30 day plank, squat, and push up challenges is they don’t allow for any excuses. They don’t require any equipment. I can do them in my living room while watching TV or in the gym after a workout. I can also split them up. A plank in the morning before I go to work, squats during a commercial break, and push ups before bed is perfectly fine. As long as I do what’s on the schedule for that day.

So, the challenge starts today. I’ll report back with my progress each week. I’m super excited for this next month of holiday festivities and fun times with friends and family. I think doing these challenges will help me enjoy those times even more! 🙂

Have you ever done a 30 day challenge? What are you doing to stay active in December? What’s your favorite holiday indulgence? 

Need for Speed

The training plan I’m following for my upcoming half marathons (yes, that’s plural :)) incorporates some speed work and tempo runs. I haven’t done these while training for other races. Most of the other training plans I’ve done were at a beginner/novice level and focused more on straight mileage.

I started realizing over the last several weeks that I really look forward to the day when I get to do speed work. I wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I do! Early in the training, the speed work was 400m intervals, then progressed to 800m intervals, and then 1 mile intervals. The total mileage of these runs can be up to 6 miles. Doing 6 miles on a Tuesday night can feel a bit daunting, but I think the reason I like the speed work is the intervals break up the run.

Another thing I started realizing over the past several weeks is that it’s working. I’m getting faster! For a long time my comfortable pace was about 10 minute miles, but recently I’ve found myself running more and more miles under that pace.

Exhibit A5K PR

I not only beat my 5K time this fall, I crushed it! I was aiming for a PR, but had no idea I’d be able to shave minutes off my time, not just seconds.

Exhibit B – Ran another 5K averaging just over 9 min miles.

I was impressed that I not only maintained the pace, but was able to carry on a conversation with a friend while running. Pretty sure I would’ve been sucking wind running at that pace a year ago!

Exhibit C – My longer runs are getting faster

The last couple weeks that I’ve done my tempo runs have felt really good. I’ve been able to keep a pace under 10 min miles even after 4 or 5 miles.

Splits for recent tempo run - several miles under 10 min miles!
Splits for recent tempo run – several miles under 10 min miles!

It’s exciting to actually see some progress in my running that goes beyond just being able to run a certain distance.

Do you do speed work in your training? Do you find that it helps?

Vacation Running and My Happy Place

I was on vacation last week and it was glorious! It was my annual trip to Myrtle Beach with my family. This has been our family’s favorite vacation spot since I was little. Myrtle Beach is my happy place. It is so peaceful and relaxing to spend a week by the ocean. There is nothing better than listening to the sound of the waves, soaking up the sun, and enjoying time with family.

Myrtle Beach - My happy place :)
Myrtle Beach – My happy place 🙂

Along with getting to relax and spend time with family (we had a lot of relatives from my mom’s side of the family there too!) I made sure to get in my runs to stay on track with my half marathon training. I knew I had really become a runner when in thinking about this vacation one of the first things I wanted to do was go for a run on the beach. 🙂

On our second day there (Sunday), I got up and went for a 3.35 mile run on the beach. It was already getting hot and humid at 8:30 a.m., but felt great to be out on the beach running.

Morning run on the beach
Morning run on the beach

Monday was a cross training/strength day. I did some one-leg squats (per Coach Chris) and did some push ups and crunches. My family was planning to walk on the beach for exercise, but it was getting pretty hot by the time we were ready to get going, so my mom had the great idea to walk against the current in the lazy river! A great total-body workout to walk forward, backward, and swim against the current. Worked a lot of different muscles and stayed cool in the water.

Lazy river workout
Lazy river workout

Tuesday’s workout was speed work. I needed to do 5 x 400m intervals, so I decided to head to the workout room and do it on the treadmill so I could accurately measure the distance. Tough to be inside, but if you have to run on a treadmill you might as well have this view…

Nice view!
Nice view!

Wednesday was another morning run on the beach. A nice and easy 3.07 miles at a 10:10 pace to kick off the day.

I took Thursday off from running after staying out late spending time with family, but we did do a morning walk on the beach, so not a total loss.

I made sure to wake up a little early on Friday so I could get in one more beach run before vacation was over. Friday morning was gorgeous! It was 70 degrees, partly cloudy, not as humid, and there was a nice breeze. I ran 5.3 miles at a 10:24 pace. This run was good, but a little more challenging because the tide was in further than the other mornings. This meant there was less hard sand to run on, so for most of the run I was on wet sand or some of the softer, loose sand. I had to watch my footing  a little and weave around a bunch of jelly fish that had washed up on the beach overnight. Near the end of my run the tide was going out, so I finished strong.

Beach. Run. Love.
Beach. Run. Love.

I think my commitment to getting in my runs even while on vacation really helped keep me on track with my training. As I mentioned in Sunday’s post, I felt great on my 7 mile long run the day after we got back.

My vacation wasn’t all running. I had plenty of time to hang out with family, eat some amazing food, and relax on the beach. The week went by way too fast. I can’t wait until next year!

Hush puppies! My absolute favorite and you get the best ones in the South!
Hush puppies! My absolute favorite and you get the best ones in the south!
Shark Tacos! (Cousins went deep sea fishing and caught shark. My cousin-in-law did an amazing job cooking it for tacos.)
Shark Tacos! (Cousins went deep sea fishing and caught shark. My cousin-in-law did an amazing job cooking it for tacos.)
Love my beach mug. Nothing better than drinking coffee on the balcony overlooking the ocean in the mornings.
Love my beach mug. Nothing better than drinking coffee on the balcony overlooking the ocean in the mornings.

Do you workout when you’re traveling or on vacation? What’s your favorite vacation spot?